41 Wood Crafts That Sell Fast To Make $1,000’s

Want to know about the best wood crafts that sell fast?

Well, you came to the right place because in this post we will go over 41 of the best selling wooden items that you can sell to make $1,000’s!

Woodworking is a great side hustle you can do to make money and it can even replace your job.

Even if you know nothing about woodworking but would like to learn and try it out then stick around because you will see how you can become an expert woodworker to make money!

Let’s get straight into it the top selling wood items…


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    What Are Wood Crafts?

    Before we get into wood crafts that sell, you need to know what wood crafts are (if you don’t know already).

    Wood crafts are items you make out of wood that serve a specific purpose.

    Yup, that’s it! Pretty simple right?!

    For example, you can take a wood slab and create cutting boards out of it. You now made a wood craft.

    It definitely gets more complicated than cutting boards but you get the gist.

    Now, let’s see how to make wooden crafts…

    How Do You Make Wooden Crafts?

    How to make wood crafts

    To make wooden crafts you will need certain tools such as a tape measure, saw, hammer, screwdriver, sander, etc…

    Some items will require more tools than others and you will learn this as you start your woodworking journey.

    It is recommended to start off with easier projects like cutting boards, utensils, and coasters, and then as you get more experience you can create more complex items such as tables, cribs, and shelves.

    If you have no idea where to start then I recommend checking out the Woodworkers Treasure Chest course.

    The Woodworkers Treasure Chess Course

    This awesome course will teach you exactly how to create items out of wood to sell for profit!

    Woodworkers Treasure Chest is designed for absolute beginners and will turn you into an expert woodworker.

    Plus, the course includes hundreds of done-for-you blueprints for many different products so all you have to do is follow the step-by-step guides to create awesome wooden items.

    You will also learn exactly how and where to sell your wood crafts to make $1,000’s!

    If you are interested in woodworking then I highly recommend checking out the Woodworkers Treasure Chest course!

    Learn how to become a woodworker

    Best Wood Crafts That Sell

    Now let’s get into the best wood projects that sell!

    Quick note, most of these items on this list can be personalized with carvings, and doing this will greatly increase your chances to sell wood crafts for money so I highly recommend doing this.

    These are the best-selling wooden items that will make you $1,000’s…

    Cutting Boards

    Making wooden cutting boards

    We briefly touched on this item earlier but let’s dig a little deeper.

    Cutting boards are one of the easiest wood items to make and one of the best wood projects that sell!

    They are super easy to make and you can make them unique by doing different shapes and carvings.

    If you are a beginner woodworker then cutting boards are a great item to start with!


    Another great item (well items) that you can make out of wood and sell for a profit is utensils.

    You can create serving spoons, serving forks, pot spoons, etc… out of wood and sell them to make money!

    These are a bit trickier to make than cutting boards but they don’t require much wood and once you get the hang of it you can create a lot of utensils quickly.

    Utensils are some of the best wood projects that sell well on sites like Etsy.

    Build Wooden Chairs

    Wooden chair

    A more complex item but a great wooden item to make and sell for profit is a chair.

    There are many chair designs, some pretty easy to make and others very complex so if you are a beginner then start off with simpler designs and work your way up to more complex designs.

    Chairs require a good amount of wood and work to create so just keep this in mind but they can make you a lot of money!

    Make Tables

    Taking it a step above chairs is tables that you can make out of wood and sell for a profit.

    Tables seem like a simple design, with four legs and a big slab of wood on top but the tables you design need to be structurally strong.

    You definitely don’t want the tables you design collapsing for thanksgiving dinner, that’s a big no-no!

    There are many different types of tables you can design such as dining room tables, coffee tables, bedside tables, side tables, etc…

    For beginners, it’s recommended to start off with smaller table designs such as a side table then move on to bigger items such as a dining room table.

    Create Jewelry Boxes

    Jewelry boxes

    One of the best wood projects that sell really well is jewelry boxes.

    Jewelry boxes are pretty much what they sound like, they are wooden boxes that hold jewelry.

    Some jewelry boxes are simple to make but you can create more personalized and creative boxes by doing carvings and bevels.

    It’s not hard to make and it can fetch you some good money so I highly recommend creating wooden jewelry boxes.

    Build Shelves

    One of the most common woodworking items to make and sell are shelves.

    There are many different types of shelves you can create such as floating shelves. bookshelves, box shelves, corner shelves, rotating shelves, etc…

    People are always looking for ways to spice up their home and also a way to organize their stuff so shelves are a great item.

    They are willing to pay good money for awesome and unique shelves for their home and you can be the one supplying the shelves.

    Some shelves are definitely easier than others so keep practicing to gain more woodworking experience so you can create all types of shelves!

    Picture Frames

    Making wood picture frames

    One of the easiest and best wood projects that sell like hotcakes is picture frames.

    You can easily sell personalized picture frames on Etsy with carvings of names, song lyrics, or quotes.

    Picture frames are super easy to make, you just need to design the frames to fit certain picture sizes.

    It’s one of the best items for beginner woodworkers to create to make money!

    Create Coasters

    Another great and easy wooden item you can make is coasters.

    Coasters are just items that people use to put drinks on to protect the surface underneath.

    They are usually a circle shape but they can be designed in other shapes such as a square or octagon.

    You can also carve names or images into the coasters to personalize them for people.

    Coasters are not hard to create and they don’t require a lot of wood so definitely consider it.

    Make Children Toys

    Children Toys

    Some fun items you can create are children’s toys.

    I know… I know… nowadays kids spend more time with technology than physical toys but it’s still a great niche to get into.

    You can create some simple toys like building blocks and then start creating more complex toys like cars and trains.

    These are some of the most fun wood crafts to create!

    Create Wooden Signs

    Another one of the best wood projects that sell really well is signs.

    You can create personalized wooden signs for people and they are willing to pay money for it!

    Wooden signs are a great home decor item which makes them one of the top-selling wood items.

    They are not too hard to make and they can get you a lot of money so definitely try it out!

    Coat Hangers

    Coat hangers

    A simple item you can create and sell is coat hangers.

    Coat hangers are not a really hot wood craft but it’s one that is fairly easy to make and can get you some money.

    People don’t use wood hangers for all of their clothes but due to their sturdiness, it’s great for heavier items such as jackets and coats.

    Consider making coat hangers to see if it can make you money!

    Serving Trays

    Another awesome and pretty easy wood craft to make and sell is serving trays.

    Serving trays are basically wooden slabs similar to a cutting board that is used to serve food and drinks.

    They are a bit larger than cutting boards and they usually have handles so people can carry them with ease.

    You can get creative and do some cool designs and carvings to make your serving trays unique.

    Since serving trays are pretty easy to make it makes them one of the best wood projects that sell!


    Making Lanterns

    A cool wooden item you can make is lanterns.

    Lanterns are basically little houses used to hold candles.

    You can use many different designs to create lanterns which makes it a fun project.

    A lot of lanterns consist of some metal and glass so it can be more work to create than other items on this list.

    They are now of the best selling wood products on Etsy!

    Wood Framed Chalkboard

    A simple item you can create and sell is wood-framed chalkboards.

    People love using chalkboards in their homes to write down things to do, leave notes for family members, shopping lists, etc…

    Of course, you will need to buy a chalkboard to create this item but you will frame the chalkboard in a nice wooden frame and sell it to people.

    For smaller wood framed chalkboards you can add magnets to the board so people can place the boards on their fridge.

    It’s a great item to sell for some extra cash!

    Build Wooden Chests

    Wooden Chest

    One of the best wood crafts you can make and sell is chests.

    People love to purchase chests for their homes for decoration and to store items.

    Making chests requires a good amount of wood and the design is geared for more advanced woodworkers so keep this in mind.

    Chests can have many different designs so it’s a fun item to create and sell!

    It’s definitely an item you should consider making.

    Make Wine Racks

    There are many wine lovers in the world and you can make wine racks for them to make money!

    Wine racks are pretty self-explanatory, it’s basically a wooden rack used to hold wines.

    They can be small racks used to only hold a few wines or large racks to hold many wines so you have to decide which design you want to create.

    It’s one of the best-selling wood products on Etsy and it’s a great item to sell for those wine lovers out there!

    Bedside Organizer

    A great wood craft to make and sell is bedside organizers.

    Bedside organizers are just boxes with sections used to organize items you use at night and in the morning such as your phone, watch, jewelry, etc…

    It’s a pretty simple design so you should be able to make them easily!

    Baby Crib

    Make wooden baby cribs

    One of the most complex wooden crafts you can make to sell for money is baby cribs.

    Making baby cribs requires a lot of work but you can sell them for a high price, so it’s more work but more money.

    You have to make sure the cribs are sanded well and have no sharp edges!

    It’s a complex item to make so it’s definitely not for beginners but as you become a more advanced woodworker it’s worth considering.

    Make Money With Wall Art

    One of the best wood projects that sell really well on Etsy and other similar sites is wall art.

    As I mentioned before, people are always looking for ways to spruce up their homes and they purchase wall art to do so.

    You can create cool and unique wooden designs and sell them to people!

    These items are some of the most fun items to make so I definitely recommend creating these to let your creative juices flow.

    Plant Box

    Make wooden plant boxes

    One of the easiest and best wood projects that sell is plant boxes.

    All you need to do is create boxes out of wood for people to use to put their plants in.

    You can get creative and do some unique and fun designs to make your plant boxes stand out.

    It’s one of the best wood crafts to start out with.

    Chess Board

    Another awesome item you can create out of wood to sell is chest boards.

    It’s not a hard item to create but you will need to make sure you also supply the chess pieces with the board you create.

    There are many chess lovers out there that will purchase handmade chess boards so definitely consider making them.

    Picnic Table

    Picnic table

    We talked about making tables earlier but a special type of table you can make and sell is a picnic table.

    Picnic tables are a great item to have in backyards so people are willing to pay good money for them.

    They take a good amount of work to create so make sure you have the skills required to design them but they are a great item to sell!

    Sell Desk Organizers

    An item similar to a bedroom organizer is the desk organizer.

    The design is similar but it will have different components to hold things such as pens and paper.

    It’s a great item to sell to make money!

    Standing Towel Rack

    Another great wooden item you can sell to make money is a standing towel rack.

    Towel racks are usually screwed into the bathroom wall but some people rather use standing towel racks that aren’t attached to the wall.

    And… you can create these racks for people to make money!

    It’s a pretty simple design but with all other wood crafts, you can get creative and do some unique designs.

    Elevated Dog Feeder

    Another great item you can create out of wood to sell is elevated dog feeders.

    People buy elevated dog feeders because there are many benefits for their dog such as comfort, helps with swallowing, helping keep the bowls in place, etc…

    So… all those dog lovers would be willing to spend money on this item since it has many benefits for their dog.

    It’s not that hard to create, but you just have to make sure you are cutting the holes to a proper size to hold the dog bowls in place.

    Sell Wooden Stools


    An item similar to chairs but less work to create is stools.

    You can create stools for people to use in their homes around the kitchen or bar.

    Stools can be made purely out of wood but you can always add a cushion on top with some fabric to further make your stools stand out.

    Making stools are a great way to get woodworking experience before starting to make chairs!

    Make Candle Holders

    One of the hottest handmade items people are buying right now is candles and while you won’t be making candles you can make and sell candle holders.

    You can make customized candle holders for people to use to hold their candles and they are pretty easy to make!

    Candlemakers might even purchase your candle holders to use with their candles and sell to customers.

    It’s not a hard item to create so I highly recommend considering making this item!

    Bathtub Caddy

    One of the best wood projects that sell really well on sites like Etsy is bathtub caddies.

    A bathtub caddy is pretty much a wooden board with sections to hold different things and it lays across the bathtub.

    This item is similar to a serving tray but is designed a bit differently to hold things that someone uses when taking a bath.

    You can create bathtub caddies with sections to hold soap, body scrubs, washcloths, wine glasses, phones, tablets, etc…

    Get creative and design your bathtub caddies uniquely!


    Making birdhouses

    A really cool and unique item that you can create and sell for money is birdhouses.

    Birdhouses are different from bird feeders, they are designed to provide shelter for birds and to provide a safe place to build their nests.

    These are fun items to create and they will test your woodworking skills because you are essentially building a mini-house!

    You can get creative with these designs which makes this such a cool item to design.

    Garden Bench

    An awesome item you can create and sell is garden benches.

    You most likely know what garden benches are but if not, they are just benches that reside outdoors, similar to the ones you see in the park.

    Garden benches require a good amount of skill and work to create so it’s not an item to start off with as a beginner but one you should definitely consider making as you gain more skills.

    Build Wooden Clocks

    Making wooden clocks

    A really cool item and one of the best wood projects that sell are wooden clocks.

    Wooden clocks just have a cool and antique look to them which is why people love them as a household items and you can be the one creating them!

    Creating wooden clocks is not that difficult but you will need to install a clock mechanism for them to function properly which can be tricky.

    Make Coat Racks

    A neat and pretty easy item you can create and sell to people are coat racks.

    Coat racks are just wooden planks with hooks on them for people to hang their coats.

    It’s a pretty simple design that shouldn’t take that long to make and it will make you some good money!

    This is a great item for beginner woodworkers!

    Soap Dish

    Another really simple item you can make and sell for profit is soap dishes.

    Soap dishes are pretty much holders that people used to keep their bar soaps on so they can dry and be kept in place.

    Now, these dishes are usually made of waterproof materials such as ceramic and plastic and as you know wood is not a waterproof material.

    So, for wooden soap dishes, you need to seal them with a waterproof sealant so the product can last long and serve its purpose.

    Soap dishes are easy to make and they don’t require much wood so I highly recommend creating this item, just make sure you seal it properly.

    Storage Crates

    Make storage crates

    An easy item you can make and sell is storage crates.

    Storage crates are just boxes created out of wood that people use to store their items.

    You can create different storage crate sizes but all you need to do is line up wooden planks in a box form.

    It’s a simple item to create and it can make you money!

    Fruit Bowls

    One of the best woodworking projects that sell fast for home decor is fruit bowls.

    People use fruit bowls to hold their fruits and since it’s out in the open they want a bowl that looks good.

    You can create awesome wooden fruit bowls and sell them for money!

    It’s not hard to create bowls, you just have to experience with different designs and sizes.

    Sell Headboards To Make Money

    Wood headboards

    If you are a more advanced woodworker then you can create and sell headboards.

    As you know, a headboard is a piece of furniture that is placed at the head of the bed for aesthetics as well as to prevent pillows from falling off the bed.

    Headboards require a lot of wood and it takes a good amount of work to make so it’s not an item for beginners.

    You have to design headboards for certain bed sizes and you can do many different designs.

    If you are an experienced woodworker then I highly recommend making headboards since they can get you a lot of money!

    Create Trivets

    One of the other best wood projects that sell is trivets.

    Trivets are just like coasters for serving dishes and plates.

    They protect tables from hot dishes so it’s definitely a useful item to have.

    It’s an easy item to make and it can make you money so I recommend making this to sell!


    Another item similar to stools is step stools.

    Step stools are pretty much small ladders used to reach something in a place that is just out of reach or for kids to do certain things like brush their teeth.

    It’s a very useful item to have in your home so people are willing to spend money on it!

    Step stools are usually made of plastic but wood ones are common as well.

    It’s best to make your step stools foldable for easy storage.

    Step stools are a bit tricky to make but it’s a good challenge to test your woodworking skills and make you money!

    Make Wooden Mug Racks

    There are many coffee and tea lovers out there that have special mugs that they want to showcase.

    Other than coffee and tea drinkers, there are people that just like collecting cool and unique mugs.

    As a woodworker, you can create mug racks for these people to showcase their mugs.

    Mug racks are just like coat racks, a wooden plank with hooks to hold items.

    It’s a really simple design that can make you money!

    Key Holder

    Key holders

    Similar to mug racks, you can also make and sell wooden key holders.

    A keyholder is just a piece of wood with hooks on it to hold house keys, car keys, etc…

    It’s pretty much the same design as a coat rack or mug rack but it will be smaller with smaller hooks since it’s just holding keys.

    Making key holders doesn’t require much work since it’s a pretty simple design so I definitely recommend making and selling this item!

    Bottle Opener

    A really simple wooden item you can make and sell is bottle openers.

    No, not the handheld bottle openers, I’m talking about bottle openers attached to a wall which are usually used in garages.

    It’s just a piece of wood with a metal bottle opener screwed in.

    Bottle openers are not hard to make at all so it’s great for beginners but I recommend making your item unique by creating designs and carvings.

    Create Baby Gyms

    An interesting item you can make and sell is a baby gym.

    A baby gym is essentially a play station for babies, it is a standing rack with toys attached for babies to play with.

    Baby gyms have many different designs so you can design them any way you want but you just have to make sure your design is stable.

    You definitely don’t want your baby gym to topple over causing injuries!

    It should also be sanded thoroughly and it shouldn’t have sharp edges.

    Baby gyms are a bit more complex to design so if you are a beginner then I recommend starting off with other items in this list and then after you gain experience then you can design baby gyms.

    Where Do You Sell Wood Crafts?

    Where to sell wood crafts

    Now that you learned about 41 woodworking projects that sell really well, you need to know where to sell these items.

    There are many ways you can sell your wooden items, you can sell them in person or you can sell them online.

    For in-person sales, you can sell your items at flea markets, trade shows, craft fairs, and other markets.

    You can also rent a space and open up your own store but this can be costly.

    On the other hand, you can partner with existing stores and have them sell your products in their stores for a cut of the profits.

    The great thing about selling locally is that you don’t have any shipping fees to worry about but the downside is that you are confined to a specific location.

    If you want to expand your woodworking business then you need to go online! Let’s see where you can sell your items online…

    To sell wooden items online you can use sites like Etsy, Artfire, Handmade Artists, and MadeitMyself.

    These sites have millions of customers so you will be able to get eyeballs on your products quickly and even sales quickly but you will have to pay fees for selling your products on these sites.

    You can also set up your own website to sell your products but then you will be in charge of running the site and getting people to come to your site.

    So, there are many options you have to sell your products and you can use multiple methods but you just have to find the methods that work best for you.

    How To Learn Woodworking?

    What if you would like to become a woodworker but have no idea where to start or what if you want to expand your woodworking skills to create more items?

    Well, the quick answer to this is that you need to get more training!

    But don’t worry at all because you can take the Woodworkers Treasure Chest course to learn everything you need to know about woodworking.

    Woodworkers Treasure Chest

    The Woodworkers Treasure Chest course is great for beginners and even advanced woodworkers who want to gain more skills and experience!

    This course is packed with information and the best part is that it costs less than $30!

    You will learn how to make wooden items from scratch and how to sell these items for insane profits.

    Plus, you will get access to 100’s of blueprints with step-by-step guides on how to make many different items!

    Woodworkers Treasure Chest Price

    The cool thing about these blueprints is that they are interactive when used on the computer and you also have access to video tutorials.

    Not enough? Well… you also get access to proprietary software to create models of your designs so you can create your design before you even cut a piece of wood.

    There is so much more you get with this course so if you want to learn more about this course just check out the Woodworkers Treasure Chest here!

    Plus, you get a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course for whatever reason.

    This course is super cheap and it will teach you how to make $1,000’s as a woodworker, plus you get a money-back guarantee so I highly recommend checking it out!


    Here are some common questions about creating wooden crafts…

    What Handmade Wood Items Sell Best?

    Wood items such as cutting boards, coasters, signs, shelves, chairs, and tables are some of the best-selling handmade wooden items.

    What Is A Good First Woodworking Project?

    A great first woodworking project is making cutting boards. Cutting boards have a simple design which makes them easy to make for a beginner woodworker.

    Can You Make Money Woodworking At Home?

    Yes, you can definitely make money as a woodworker at home. There are many people that are woodworking full-time at home.

    How Do I Sell Wood Projects?

    You can sell your wood projects physically at trade shows, craft fairs, in a store or you can sell online using sites like Etsy, Artfire, Handmade Artists, etc…

    Is Woodworking Easy?

    Woodworking is easy to learn and get started but it can get more difficult as you move on to more complex projects.


    These are the best wood crafts that sell fast and are pretty easy to make!

    As I mentioned before, woodworking is a great side hustle that can make you a lot of money and it can even replace your job after some time.

    If you are serious about becoming a woodworker then I recommend checking out the Woodworkers Treasure Chest course to learn everything you need to know about woodworking!

    If you liked this post then I recommend checking out my post on How To Start A WoodWorking Side Hustle Now and How To Flip Money: 20 Easy & Legal Methods.

    Do you know about any other wood crafts to sell? Have you tried woodworking? Let me know in the comments below!

    Are you ready to take control of your money? Check out these awesome money resources which will help you to make and save $1,000’s!


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